Should You Include Personal Hobbies and Interests in Your Cover Letter?

As I've repeatedly stressed the need to write a cover letter that shows your authentic self in my previous blog posts about cover letters, you might be wondering where a line is drawn between showing your authentic self and oversharing. Questions about how much personal information you should add to your cover letter might also arise. So, let's talk about it today. Should you add your personal hobbies and interests to your cover letter? It depends.

5 Benefits of Adding Your Personal Hobbies and Interests To Your Cover Letter

  • It Showcases Your Personality: Including hobbies in your cover letter can give the hiring manager a glimpse of who you are beyond your professional achievements. It's a way to show your unique character and how you might fit into the company's culture.

  • It Demonstrates Your Soft Skills: Many hobbies hint at various soft skills. For example, being part of a sports team can indicate teamwork and leadership abilities, while creative hobbies like painting suggest creativity and innovation.

  • It Indicates Cultural Fit: Sharing your interests can help employers determine if you're a good cultural fit for the company, especially if your hobbies align with the company's values or team activities.

  • It Adds a Personal Touch: A cover letter that mentions personal hobbies stands out from those that strictly stick to professional experiences. It makes your application memorable.

  • It Shows Passion and Drive: Hobbies often reflect personal passions and show that you have the drive to pursue interests outside of work. This can be appealing to employers looking for motivated and enthusiastic candidates.

Should You Include Personal Hobbies and Interests in Your Cover Letter?

The decision to include personal hobbies in your cover letter depends on several factors:

1 - If It’s a Direct Request from the Company:

If an employer asks for personal hobbies in the cover letter, it's a clear signal they're interested in knowing you beyond your professional façade. They're likely keen on understanding how you blend into their work culture and community. In such scenarios, you should absolutely mention your hobbies.

2 - If It’s Compatible With The Company’s Culture:

Before you decide to include personal interests, do a bit of homework on the company's culture. If the organization values individuality and personal growth alongside professional development, your hobbies might be a valuable addition to your cover letter, offering a glimpse into your personality and potential cultural fit.

3 - If It’s Relevant to the Job:

If your hobbies align with the job you're applying for, mentioning them can significantly bolster your application. For example, if you're applying for a position in a sports marketing firm and you're an avid marathon runner, highlighting this interest can showcase your passion for sports and marketing. It indicates a personal connection to the field beyond professional interest.

How to Include Your Personal Hobbies and Interests in Your Cover Letter (With an Example)

Adding personal hobbies and interests to your cover letter can be a delicate art. If not done correctly, it might take away from your cover letter. Here's how to do it right:

  • Be Selective: Only include hobbies that add value to your application. They should either showcase relevant skills, demonstrate your cultural fit, or underline your passion for the industry.

  • Connect It to the Job: Explain how your hobby has equipped you with skills or insights relevant to the job. For example, if you're into photography, you might say, "My keen eye for detail and composition in photography has honed my ability to spot emerging trends and patterns, a skill I believe is crucial for the market analysis role at your company."

  • Keep It Brief: Your hobbies shouldn't overshadow your professional achievements. A short, impactful mention is enough to make your point without diluting the focus on your qualifications.


In the concluding paragraph of your cover letter, you might write:

"I bring not only the technical skills and experience outlined in my resume but also a genuine enthusiasm for the outdoors. As an avid hiker, I've learned the importance of persistence, planning, and adaptability—qualities that I apply in my professional life as well. I believe these personal interests align well with your company's mission to promote a healthy work-life balance and a team-oriented environment."

While including hobbies in your cover letter can offer a more rounded view of you as a candidate, it's vital to assess whether they're relevant and beneficial to your application. When done correctly, this personal touch can significantly enhance your cover letter, making you a memorable candidate to potential employers.


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